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N.E.Y.A.G. Gallery 

NEYAG Members 2014

NEYAG Members 2014

From left to right: Cecil Fox, Debby Cassidy, Christine Jackson, Deanna Eades, Eleanor Hawkes, Cheryl-Lynn Magro, Joanne Bell, Deirdre Williams, Anna Moore, Elsie Ugle, Amanda Ulyatt, Paul Morrison, Justine Hanson.

Paul Morrison

Paul Morrison

Paul Morrison wore many hats at the Official Opening of the CPC - Dudley Park - N.E.Y.A.G. Chairperson, Elder, AIEO Dudley Park PS and Koolbardi Dance Troupe Co-ordinator.

Koolbardi Dance Troupe

Koolbardi Dance Troupe

The Koolbardi Dance Troupe from Dudley Park PS provided a solid performance for the dignitaries and guest at the Official Opening of CPC-DP. The Koolbardi Dance Troupe is co-ordiantated by Paul Morrison and made up of Aboriginal boys currently in Years 3 to 6. The boys have been learning traditional dance for 2 years and perform regularly at school and community events.

N.E.Y.A.G. Chairperson

N.E.Y.A.G. Chairperson

Paul Morrison is N.E.Y.A.G. Chairperson, Elder and AIEO at Dudley Park PS.

Aaron Thomas Principal DPPS

Aaron Thomas Principal DPPS

The CPC-Dudley Park is testament to the effective partnership between Government Departments, Non-Government Organisations and Community. As Principal of Dudley Park Primary School, Aaron Thomas has provided great support to the CPC-Dudley Park initiative.

Dignitaries at CPC-DP Opening

Dignitaries at CPC-DP Opening

(left to right) Paul Morrison, N.E.Y.A.G. Chairperson and Dudley Park Primary School Aboriginal and Islander Education Officer; David Templeman, MLA Mandurah; Ian Carter, CEO of Anglicare WA; Dr Kim Hames, Deputy Premier and Minister for Health; Sharyn O'Neill, Director General of Department of Education WA: and Hon Peter Collier, WA Minister for Education.

Ashlee, Deirdre & Joanne

Ashlee, Deirdre & Joanne

N.E.Y.A.G. Members Ashlee Otway, AIEO Riverside PS, Deirdre Williams, DLGC and Joanne Bell, AIEO SHHPS & HHCC attended the opening of the CPC-Dudley Park.

Cecil Fox and Christine Jackson

Cecil Fox and Christine Jackson

N.E.Y.A.G. Members Cecil Fox, AIEO Falcon, and Christine Jackson, Manager of Aboriginal Education, attended the CPC-Dudley Park opening.

Eleanor Hawke

Eleanor Hawke

N.E.Y.A.G. Member Eleanor Hawke, AIEO Pinjarra Primary School, attended the Official Opening of CPC-Dudley Park.



Artwork created by Deirdre Williams Copyright 2014.


This website was created for N.E.Y.A.G. on 5th November, 2014.

Last updated:19/02/17 by A. Ulyatt.


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